A Bridge Too Far [w/ Japanese Dubbing for TV Broadcast]

A Bridge Too Far [w/ Japanese Dubbing for TV Broadcast]


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Release Date April 02, 2025
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Product Details

Catalog No.HPXR-2765
JAN/ISBN 4907953256286
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorHappinet Media Marketing
Color Color
Running Time 176minutes
Original Release Year 1977
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 Scope
Region A
Subtitles Japanese Commentary Subtitles
Audio Track English Dolby TrueHD 5.1ch Surround
Japanese Dolby TrueHD 2.0ch Monaural


[Machine Translation] An unprecedented scale depiction of a combined air and land operation! The blockbuster film that shines in the history of cinema has been newly remastered in full HD with additional dubbing of the TV version! The largest-ever airborne operation conducted at the end of World War II was completely adapted to film at an unprecedented cost. A star-studded cast of British, American, German, and French actors and actresses were assembled, and British master filmmaker Richard Attenborough, who would later win an Oscar for "Gandhi," has created an elegant epic film that painstakingly depicts the movements of the soldiers and civilians of each nation's armed forces. The film also features powerful images unique to war spectacles, such as the spectacular descent scene in which a large number of C47 transport planes from all over the world cover the sky, and realistic ground combat scenes with the cooperation of the Dutch army. -In September 1944, three months after the Normandy landings, the Allied Forces are on the Western Front. The Allied Forces have exhausted their supply lines, and their advance has stalled. British General Montgomery, in order to secure supply as a priority, dropped three paratroopers deep into the enemy lines of German troops who had retreated to the Netherlands, and occupied bridges in various locations. Along the bridges, the armored corps launched Operation "Market Garden," which opened a path of advance all the way to the German mainland. Numerous parachutists descended from a large formation of transport planes, and tank units began advancing from Belgium. However, the German forces waiting for them include a strong squadron of soldiers. Remastered from the original negative in full HD / Complete dubbed TV version (NTV's "Wednesday Road Show" version) is included *Not included on the old Blu-ray *The dubbed voice is an uncut version with additional material that was cut from the original broadcast. Includes audio commentary by William Goldman (screenplay) & main staff *Not included in previous Blu-ray editions
Special Feature / Bonus Track: theatrical trailer(s)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

遠すぎた橋 -TV吹替音声追加収録版- / 洋画

空前のスケールで描く空陸一体の大作戦! 映画史に輝く超大作がTV版吹替追加収録+フルHDリマスターで新装登場! 第二次世界大戦末期に行われた史上最大規模の空挺作戦を、破格の巨費を投じて完全映画化。英米独仏のスター級のキャストが結集し、のちに『ガンジー』でオスカーを獲得するイギリス映画界の名匠リチャード・アッテンボロー監督が、各国軍将兵や民間人たちの動向を丹念な描写で積み重ね、風格ある超大作としてまとめ上げた。世界中から集められた大量のC47輸送機が空を覆う壮大な降下シーンや、オランダ軍の協力によるリアルな地上戦闘シーンなど戦争スペクタクルならではの迫力ある映像も目白押し。――1944年9月、ノルマンディー上陸作戦から3ヵ月後の西部戦線。連合軍は補給線が伸びきり、進攻が停滞していた。イギリス軍のモントゴメリー元帥は補給を優先的に確保すべく、オランダへ撤退したドイツ軍の敵陣奥深くに3個空挺挺師団を降下させ、各地の橋を占拠。その橋頭保に沿って機甲軍団が一気にドイツ本国までの進撃路を開く「マーケット・ガーデン」作戦を発動した。輸送機の大編隊から無数のパラシュート兵が降下し、ベルギーからは戦車部隊が前進を始める。だが、待ち受けるドイツ軍の中には精強部隊が含まれていた。●オリジナルネガからのフルHDスキャンによるリマスター版 ●TV放映版吹替音声 (日本テレビ「水曜ロードショー」版) を補完し完全収録 ※旧Blu-ray未収録 ※吹替音声は、放送時にカットされた部分を追加収録したノーカット版です。●ウィリアム・ゴールドマン (脚本)&メインスタッフによる音声解説収録 ※旧Blu-ray未収録
映像特典: オリジナル劇場予告編 (3分17秒)

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