"Klonoa 1 & 2 Encore" is a side-scrolling action game with 3D graphics released by Namco in 1997. In a world full of original characters and a worldview, the main character "Klonoa" sets off on an adventure to save the world. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the release of the first game in the series, "Kaze no Klonoa door to phantomile" and "Kaze no Klonoa 2: Sekaiga Nozonda Wasuremono" were combined into one remastered version, "Kaze no Klonoa 1 & 2 Encore". The world view and gameplay remain the same, but the graphics have been improved. The difficulty level can be set to make it easier for first-time players to play. This product was developed based on "Kaze no Klonoa door to phantomile" for Wii released in 2008 and "Kaze no Klonoa 2: Sekai ga Nozonda Wasuremono-" for PS2 released in 2001. (Some specifications are different.) PlayStation4 package version purchasers can upgrade to the PlayStation5 version at no additional cost. (For those who have purchased the packaged version, the upgrade is not available for digital editions without a PS5 disc drive. PS5 downloadable version of the game can be downloaded at no additional charge from PlayStationStore. *To play this product, you must agree to the Terms of Service displayed in the game. For more information, please visit https://bandainamcoent.co.jp/cs/kiyaku/eula/