DVD release of the film "Ototo" directed by Yoji Yamada who also created "Otoko wa Tsuraiyo," "Twilight Samurai," "Kabei," and more brilliant films. "Ototo" is an homage to the same-titled film previously directed by Kon Ichikawa and won the Bernale Camera Award at the Berlin Film Festival. Stars Sayuri Yoshinaga, Tsurube Shofukutei, Yu Aoi, and Ryo Kase. Ginko (Sayuri Yoshinaga) is a widow who humbly lives in Tokyo with her mother-in-law Kinuyo and daughter Koharu. Ginko's family is on the pinnacle of happiness on Koharu's upcoming wedding with an elite doctor. However, on Koharu's wedding day, her trouble-making younger brother named Tetsuro (Tsurube Shofukutei) appears to celebrate them. . .