CD Album



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Release Date March 14, 2012
Availability In Stock at Supplier:Usually ships in 2-4 days
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Product Details

Catalog No.DAKKCR-1
JAN/ISBN 4948722440222
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] L.M.DOGG, the most active MC of the moment, has been performing many live shows with his unique style in Okayama, a hot town for MCs, and continues to increase his ability and name recognition as a side MC of YOWTH. Produced by Dee-Enw, the most active track production team in Kansai, who has provided tracks to many artists including 420Family. A must-hear album full of L.M.DOGG verses that he absorbed from the streets of his hometown Okayama, YOWTH YOWTH feat. A representative of the Japanese who can't say "NO". Ever since I can remember, I've been in Karasujo! He is a heretic with a unique presence at the forefront of the Okayama Street scene. With his character and skills, he won the 2006 UMB Okayama regional qualifying round. In 2010, he released his first solo ALL L.M. DOGG STREET MIX ALBUM "CHANG PONG". He has been doing FREE D.L. every Wednesday from April 20, 2011 to August 31, 2011 for 20 consecutive weeks on KARASS CASTLE RECORDZ's top homepage! He has performed in a wide variety of guest appearances, and his outstanding rap skills and one-of-a-kind style have made him even more well-known. On March 14, 2012, his first original album "LA RAINBOW" will be released. He is one of the hottest MCs in 831CITY Okayama, and we can't take our eyes off of him from now on.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese


MCのあつい街、岡山でその独特なスタイルでライブを多数こなし、YOWTHのサイドMCとして、その実力と知名度を上げ続ける、今、もっとも勢いのあるMC,L.M.DOGGの1stオリジナル・ミニアルバム!プロデュースは420Familyをはじめとする多くのアーティストへトラックを提供する、こちらも関西でもっとも勢いのあるトラック制作チーム、Dee-Enwが担当。地元・岡山のストリートで多くのものを吸収したL.M.DOGG節満載の必聴盤。Nuff respect feat.YOWTH YOWTHとの息にあったコンビネーションYOWTHトラックプロデュースは関西で話題のDee-Enwが担当 L.M. DOGG (ラーメン・ドッグ) 『NOと言えない日本人代表。物心付いた時からもろ烏城!』岡山STREETの最前線の現場で独自の存在感を際立たせ異端児。持ち前のキャラとスキルで、2006年UMB岡山地区予選で見事優勝。本戦で熱い死闘を繰り広げたHIDADDYの人気シリーズ『HIDADDY一人旅』などにも出演し、その存在は岡山を越え、四国、関西へと知れ渡る。2010年には、ソロ名義初となるALL L.M. DOGG STREET MIX ALBUM『CHANG PONG』をリリース。2011年4月20日から2011年8月31日の毎週水曜日にKARASS CASTLE RECORDZのホームページTOPにて20週連続FREE D.Lを決行!!多種多様な客演をこなし、その卓越したラップスキルと唯一無二のスタイルでさらにその知名度を上げる。そして、2012年3月14日にいよいよ初のオリジナルアルバム「LA RAINBOW]がリリ-スされる。今後の動きから目の離せない831CITY≒岡山でもっとも注目株なMCである。

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    Next / L.M.DOGG
    I'm a… / L.M.DOGG
    Bombing rainbow / L.M.DOGG
    Orenchi / L.M.DOGG
    Nuff respect feat.YOWTH / L.M.DOGG
    Generation change / L.M.DOGG

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