CD Album
Hello, my darkness
Helsinki Lambda Club
(2200yen Tax incl. in Japan)
Points You Earn | 3% (60p) |
Release Date | July 13, 2022 |
Availability | Sold Out |
Product Details
Catalog No. | DAKHAMZ-16 |
JAN/ISBN | 4514306019889 |
Product Type | CD |
Number of Discs | 1 |
[Machine Translation] On Wednesday, July 13, the band will release "Hello, my darkness," a mini-album based on the concept of "the intersection of dreams and reality," featuring songs from all genres, including post-punk, hip-hop, funk, and psychedelic. Hello, my darkness" will be released. Starting with M1 "I'm as real asdonut," which symbolizes the mini-album "Hello, my darkness" and depicts "the time when dreams change into reality," the band sings about their desire to live accepting light, darkness, absurdity, and everything else, with a rapid beat and mad sound. M2 "Khaosan", M3 "Dark Donut", Kaoru Hashimoto (Vo/Gt) sings about the bargaining over sexual love, M4 "Village Satomi", Kaoru Hashimoto (Vo/Gt) looks at the world as it is, and Wez Atlas, with its roots in Japan and America, incorporates multicultural styles and raps in a highly skilled combination of Japanese and English. M5 "Mystery Train (feat. Wez Atlas)" is about "wanting to go see the people you want to see" with Wez Atlas as a guest performer, and M6 "Yume de Aetara" is a dreamy song that takes you from reality to a dream and back again. Six tracks in all. Mastering was done by Felix Davis (Metropolis Mastering, London), who has worked with Lana Del Rey, Public Access TV, and Porridge Radio. =================================The sun is dazzling. The sun is a blessing. We long for the sun. But we can't stare at it all the time because of its glare. What about darkness? I can stare at it all the time. If you think about it, the time we spend with darkness is unexpectedly long. This is an album that says, "Let's get along with the darkness a little better. This album is structured in such a way that you wake up from a dream, spend time in reality, and then go back to the dream. The key point is that you "return" to the dream. The side to which you originally belong may be in the dream. In other words, it is as if reality is a dream and the dream is reality. It is impossible for such a world where so many terrible things are happening to be real. It would have to be a dream to come up with such a plot. Such chaos is part of its charm, but it's also a reality with too much bad taste. The dream and the reality are both
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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.
Description in Japanese
Hello, my darkness / Helsinki Lambda Club
"夢と現実の交錯"をコンセプトとしたミニアルバムリリース決定!7月13日(水) に、ポストパンク、ヒップホップ、ファンク、サイケなど、あらゆるジャンルの要素を詰め込んだ楽曲を収録した、"夢と現実の交錯"をコンセプトとしたミニアルバム「Hello, my darkness」をリリースする。"夢から現実へ変わっていく時間" を描いた、本作のミニアルバム「Hello, my darkness」を象徴とするM1「I'm as real asdonut」からはじまり、光も闇も不条理も、全部受け入れて生きていきたいという気持ちを、性急なビートとマッドな音に乗せて歌った楽曲M2「Khaosan」、性愛にまつわる駆け引きを歌ったM3「真っ暗なドーナッツ」、橋本薫(Vo/Gt)が世の中をありのままに見つめたM4「Village Satomi」、日本とアメリカをルーツに持ち、多文化なスタイルを取り入れ高いスキルで日本語と英語を組み合わせたラップを魅せるWez Atlas を客演に迎えた、"会いたい人に会いに行きたい" ということがテーマのM5「Mystery Train(feat. Wez Atlas)」、そして最後に"現実から夢へと戻っていく" ドリーミーなM6「夢で逢えたら」で締めくくる、全6曲入り。マスタリングはLana Del Rey、Public Access TV、Porridge Radio などを手掛けた Felix Davis(Metropolis Mastering,London)が担当した。=================================太陽はまぶしい。太陽は天の恵み。太陽に憧れる。でもその眩しさゆえにずっと見つめることはできない。暗闇はどうか。ずっと見ていられる。よく考えたら暗闇と過ごす時間っていうのは意外と長い。それならもう少し暗闇と仲良くなろうよっていうアルバム。このアルバムは夢が覚めて現実を過ごしまた夢に戻っていくというような構成になっている。夢に"戻る"というのがミソ。本来自分が属している側が夢にあるのかもしれない。つまり現実が夢で夢が現実みたいな感じ。こんな最低なことばっかりが起こっている世界が現実なんてありえない。夢じゃないとこんな筋書き思いつかない。そんなカオスが魅力でもあるっちゃあるけど、それにしても悪趣味過ぎる現実。そんな夢と現実を行った
Related Offer & Feature
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I'm as real as a donut / Helsinki Lambda Club
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Khaosan / Helsinki Lambda Club
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真っ暗なドーナッツ / Helsinki Lambda Club
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Village Satomi / Helsinki Lambda Club
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Mystery Train (feat. Wez Atlas) / Helsinki Lambda Club
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夢で逢えたら / Helsinki Lambda Club
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