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CD Album



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Release Date July 03, 2019
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Product Details

Catalog No.DAKDNRCD-11
JAN/ISBN 4948722541660
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] This guy is a live monster! This man cannot be ignored among reggae artists in Japan right now. His last album sold well, and since then, J-REXXX's progress has been spectacular. To broaden his activities, he started his own band and has performed at many all-genre parties. The band's live performances transcend genres, and they have also appeared at rock festivals, gaining the support of listeners far and wide. He has also participated in many guest performances that transcend genres and has greatly expanded his name. It has been three years since his last album. He received a lot of stimulation from other genres, and also gained new insights from REGGAE, and continued to create songs in pursuit of the evolution of his own music. This album contains 15 songs carefully selected from those 15 songs. Seeking evolution, J-REXXX destroys his own style and genre barriers! <profile> - J-REXXX Profile - Impressed by the voice of BUJU BANTON, who was featured in a song by PUNKBAND "RANCID," J-REXXX began his career at the age of 16 at the invitation of a friend. He is highly regarded for his stage performance that expresses his emotions with his whole body, and he is a true entertainer who always thinks only of bringing the audience together. He has won many Deejay CLASH (or contests), and his sense of improvisation is well known. In 2012, he released his second album "Kaijin J". In January 2014, he released his first album "M.U.S.I.C" with 774 (DIGITAL NINJA), which is his masterpiece "M.U.S.I.C." He also started working with CHOP STICK and TANAKEN as a DEEJAY unit J.T.C. and produced more than 100 songs a year. The album is a work that transcends the barriers of generation and genre, as well as his masterpiece "M.U.S.I.C.". In May 2015, he released the combination album THE TIMAN CHEESE "Shonen" produced by 774 (DIGITAL NINJA) with his hometown ally, HIPHOP artist Benizakura. The album is a genre-defying hit, and has been a hit in the music industry since its release.

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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese


こいつがライブの怪物!J-REXXXは完全に振り切った!!今、日本のレゲエアーティストでこの男を無視することはできない。前作アルバムが好セールスを記録し、そこからのJ-REXXXの躍進は目を見張るものがある。活動の幅を広げるために、自身のバンド活動を開始し、オールジャンルパーティーにも多数出演。バンドライブでそのステージの幅ではジャンルを優に超え、ロックフェスにも出演する等、広くリスナーの支持を得ている。ジャンルを超えた客演にも多数参加し、その名を大きく広げてきた。前作から3年。他ジャンルから多くの刺激を受け、また改めてREGGAEから気づきを得て自身の音楽の進化を求め楽曲を生み出し続けた。その中から厳選した15曲を本作に収録。進化を求め、己のスタイルを破壊しジャンルの壁を破壊するJ-REXXX!New Album”MONSTER”発売!!<プロフィール>ーJ-REXXXプロフィールーPUNKBAND「RANCID」の楽曲でfeatされたBUJU BANTONの声に衝撃を受けて、友人の誘いから16歳の時にキャリアをスタート。喜怒哀楽を全身で表現するステージングに高い評価があり、常に会場を1つにすることだけを考える彼は正にエンターテイナー。数々のDeejay CLASH(またはコンテスト)を勝ち抜いた戦歴からも、アドリブのセンスは折り紙付き。DeejayコンテストRAGGA CUPに優勝し、2007年に1stアルバム「Mr.NON STOP MAN」をリリース。2011年ROAD TO横浜レゲエ祭で見事優勝を果たし、横浜レゲエ祭のトップバッターを務めた。2012年には2ndアルバム「改造人間J」をリリース。この頃、CHOP STICK・たなけんとDEEJAYユニットJ.T.Cとしての活動も精力的にはじめ、年間100曲以上もの楽曲を作り続けた。2014年1月に774(DIGITAL NINJA)と作り上げたアルバム「M.U.S.I.C」をリリース。彼の代表作「M.U.S.I.C」はもちろん、世代やジャンルの壁を超えた作品に仕上がっている。そして2015年5月には同郷の盟友であるHIPHOPアーティスト紅桜と共に制作し、774(DIGITAL NINJA)プロデュースの下、コンビネーションアルバムTHEタイマンチーズ「少年」をリリース。まさにジャンルを超えて話題を呼び、そ

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