CD Album
Kimi e no Uta
Nao Nakadai +
(2200yen Tax incl. in Japan)
Points You Earn | 3% (60p) |
Release Date | January 09, 2019 |
Availability | In Stock at Supplier:Usually ships in 2-4 days |
Product Details
Catalog No. | DAKDLR-1301 |
JAN/ISBN | 4948722538363 |
Product Type | CD |
Number of Discs | 1 |
[Machine Translation] Thank you for being here. You are warm. A collection of messages to you from Kazutaka Aizawa, poet of life, Yuji Kurokawa, musician (piano, Russian technique), and Nao Nakadai, singer. (This work contains lyrics and melodies that suddenly came to the producer of this work, "Kazutaka Aizawa," who is living a life seriously facing "love," something that may not be felt in everyday life. You are important to me. To express his thoughts and feelings, top artists and musicians participated in the project. This album is a collaboration with the lovely works of "HIROSU MATSUSHITA," a painter living in Minoh City, Osaka Prefecture, and is a work that you can enjoy with your eyes, ears, and texture. A letter to you from the great love that resides within you is also included in the booklet. The first song, "Welcome," expresses the joy of meeting you, the second song, "Song for You," is a message to you from the "love" inside each of you, the third song, "Natural," expresses the joy of meeting love, and the fourth song, "Thank You So Much," is the final song. The fifth song, "Summer in the Sky," is a message to you from the "love" inside each and every one of you. The fifth song, "Summer Bookmark," and the sixth song, "White Moon," are bonus tracks that allow you to enjoy this hymn to the impermanence of life. <profile> Nao Nakadai (Singer, Actress) The only daughter of Tatsuya Nakadai, one of Japan's leading actors, and his wife, Kyoko Miyazaki, the founder and director of Mumeijuku, an actor training school. (She made her debut as a singer with the KDDCM song "Itsuki Wasurenai" in 1991 from Toshiba EMI. She is well known for her singing ability with a unique and beautiful voice that has a strong presence. In 2000, she released "Hana yo" produced by Minami Kosetsu. In 2009, she released her own CD, "BEST FRIEND," produced by herself. It includes his own compositions, songs produced by Naoto Kine, and "BEST FRIEND," a memorable song created with Eigo Kawashima. In addition to her musical activities, she played the role of Ogin, the daughter of Sen no Rikyu (Tatsuya Nakadai) in the NHK historical drama "Hideyoshi," Isabelle, the heroine in the musical "Scrooge," and the actress in "The Forest is Alive.
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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.
Description in Japanese
きみへのうた / 仲代奈緒+
「いてくれて、ありがとう。あなたって、あったかい。」いのちの詩人・あいざわかずたか、音楽家・黒川雄司(ピアノ・ロシア奏法)、そして歌手・仲代奈緒がお送りするあなたへのメッセージ集。(コンピレーション作品) この作品には普段の生活ではあまり感じられないかもしれない「愛」というものに真剣に向き合って生きている本作のプロデューサー「あいざわかずたか」に突然湧き上がってきた詞とメロディーが収録されいる。「あなたは大切な存在です。」という彼の想いを表現するために、一流のアーティスト、ミュージシャンが参加!大阪府箕面市在住の画家「松下ヒロス」の愛らしい作品達とコラボした本作は目でも、耳でも、そして質感でも楽しめる、ぜひ手に取っていただき愛に触れていただきたい一枚。あなたの内にいる、大いなる愛からのあなたへの手紙もブックレットに封入されている。全曲を通して、一つの物語が構成されている。1曲目の「ようこそ」であなたに出逢えた喜びを、2曲目のタイトル曲「きみへのうた」は、みなさん一人一人の中にいる「愛」からのあなたへのメッセージ。3曲目の「ナチュラル」は愛に出逢えた喜び、4曲目の「本当にありがとう」で一先ず終了!。5曲目の「夏のしおり」6曲目の「白い月」はボーナストラックで、諸行無常の人生賛歌を楽しめる内容になっている。<プロフィール>仲代奈緒(歌手・女優)日本を代表する俳優、「仲代達矢」氏と、その妻であり俳優養成所”無名塾”創始者で演出家でもある「宮崎恭子」氏の一人娘。0歳から稽古場が遊び場という環境で育ち、8歳で初舞台を踏む(マクベス)。91‘KDDCMソング「きっと忘れない」で東芝EMIより歌手デビュー。 存在感のある独特の美声で、歌唱力に定評がある。 作詞作曲も手がけ、各地でライブを行っている。2000年南こうせつプロデュース「花よ」発売。 2009年には自らプロデュースしたCD「BEST FRIEND」を発売。自作曲や木根尚登プロデュースの曲、河島英五と共に生まれた思い出の曲「BEST FRIEND」を収録。 音楽活動に加え、NHK大河ドラマ「秀吉」で千利休(仲代達矢)の娘お吟役、ミュージカル「スクルージ」ヒロイン・イザベルや「森は生きている
Related Offer & Feature
1 |
ようこそ(ジングル) / 仲代奈緒
2 |
きみへのうた / 仲代奈緒
3 |
ナチュラル / 仲代奈緒
4 |
本当にありがとう(ジングル) / 仲代奈緒
5 |
夏のしおり / あいわざかずた
6 |
白い月 / 黒川雄月
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