CD Album

Watashi no Sweet Memories - Ai to Kanashimi no Showa Kayo -

Mikako Aoki

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Release Date September 07, 2022
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Product Details

Catalog No.DAKBSMK-2209
JAN/ISBN 4948722562467
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1



[Machine Translation] Producer Kojiro Hayashi and vocalist Mikako Aoki have selected a number of Showa-era songs and arranged them in the style of Mikako Aoki and Sweet Memories for this nostalgic yet new album. Pianist Kazuo Ota is in charge of arrangements, and "SWEET MEMORIES," "Machibuse," and "Mizuki no Koi" have been renewed with a little spice. The original songs by male vocalists, "Suit yourself," "Garandu," "Yagiri yo Yomogita mo Arigatou," "Hatsukoi," and "Till we meet again," have a new taste sung by a female vocalist. The Latin hit "Papa Loves Mambo," once covered in Japanese by Tadao Takashima and Chiemi Eri, will be performed in a fun and lighthearted new arrangement. The album also includes 11 songs, each with its own flavor: "Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyunkei," a Showa-era enka classic, with a jazz twist, and "Kita no Yado Kara," a Latin-inspired version. The album is a collaboration with the jazz trio "Sweet Memories" (Pf:Kazuo Ota/Bass:Nobushi Ide/Dr:kanta), who regularly performs at jazz live bars with Mikako Aoki. <profile>As a student, he was a member of the chorus club and studied vocal music. She performed the soprano part in the "Ninth" performance held in Vienna by Koto Kiyohara, the director of the National Choral Union of Japan, as the first Japanese to perform the Ninth. Later, after teaching kindergarten, she participated as a vocalist in the elementary school performances of the late Tetsuya Furuya, a pioneer conga player in Japan. She later made her CD debut with an appearance on OBC Radio Osaka and sang in the NHK morning dramas "Carnation" and "Ochoyan. She appeared twice in rakugo storyteller Katsura Hanadanji III's solo show "Katsura Hanadanji no Kai" and had the opportunity to sing at Tenma Tenjin Hanjotei. With his wide repertoire, he has appeared in many concerts abroad and in Japan in collaboration with Chindo Tsushinsha. He is a regular guest singer at "Kojiro Hayashi's Chindon Engeikan" hosted by Chindon Tsushinsha at Space 9 in Abeno Harukas Kintetsu Main Store every Wednesday. As the owner of a drugstore "Aoki Yakuten," he regularly holds "wakuwaku kenkou-tsushin live" events sponsored by a pharmaceutical company. In 2018, she started "Mikako Aoki's Japanese Jazz Live" produced by Kojiro Hayashi with "Sweet Memories" consisting of Kazuo Ota (Pf), Nobushi Ide (Bass), and Kanta (Dr), and is currently performing at New Suntory 5 in Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka City.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

私のスイートメモリーズ ~愛と哀しみの昭和歌謡~ / 青木美香子

数ある昭和歌謡の中から、プロデューサー林幸治郎&ボーカリスト青木美香子がセレクトしたナンバーを、青木美香子とスイートメモリーズ 風にアレンジした懐かしくて新しいアルバム。ピアニストおーたかずおがアレンジを担当し、「SWEET MEMORIES」「まちぶせ」「水色の恋」には、一味スパイスを加えてリニューアル。オリジナルが男性ボーカリストの曲「勝手にしやがれ」「ギャランドゥ」「夜霧よ今夜も有難う」「初恋」「また逢う日まで」は、女性ボーカリストが歌う新しいお味に。また、かつて高島忠夫や江利チエミが日本語でカバーしたラテンの大ヒットナンバー「パパはマンボがお好き」は、楽しく軽快なニューアレンジで。そして、昭和演歌の名曲「津軽海峡冬景色」をジャズのテイスト、「北の宿から」はラテンのテイストを加えた、それぞれ味わいたっぷりの11曲を収録。青木美香子と共にジャズライブバーレギュラー出演中のジャズトリオ、スイートメモリーズ (Pf:おーたかずお/Bass:井手信志/Dr:kanta)とのコラボでお楽しみ下さい。<プロフィール>学生時代、コーラス部に所属し、声楽を学ぶ。全国合唱連盟理事、清原浩斗氏が邦人として初めてウィーンで開催した「第九」公演にソプラノパートで出演。その後、幼稚園教諭経験を積み、日本コンガ奏者草分け的存在、故・古谷哲也氏の小学校公演にボーカリストとして参加。後に、OBCラジオ大阪出演をきっかけにCDデビューへ。NHK朝ドラ「カーネーション」や「おちょやん 」では歌唱する役柄で出演。落語家・三代目桂花團治師匠の独演会「桂花團治の会」に2回出演し、天満天神繁昌亭で歌う機会を経験する。幅広いレパートリーを生かし、ちんどん通信社とのコラボによる海外や国内のコンサートに多数出演。毎週水曜日、あべのハルカス近鉄本店内スペース9において開催している、ちんどん通信社主催「林幸治郎のちんどん演芸館」にてレギュラーでゲスト歌手として出演中。ドラッグストア「青木薬店」オーナーの立場を生かし、製薬会社協賛で「わくわく健康通信ライブ」を定期開催。また、2018年より林幸治郎プロデュースによる「青木美香子の日本語ジャズライブ」をPf・おーたかずお、Bass・井手信志、Dr・kantaのメンバーからなるスイートメモリーズと共にスタートし、現在、大阪市北区梅田のニューサントリー5にて同バンドメンバ

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