A Blu-ray box set containing all 104 episodes of "Digimon Adventure" and "Digimon Adventure 02" TV series and 4 movies at an affordable price! Includes digitally remastered HD footage! Enjoy the adventures of Taichi, Daisuke, and the other "Chosen Children" from 20 years ago once again on Blu-ray! --August 1, 1999. On August 1st, 1999, seven children at summer camp suddenly drift to a mysterious island. Taichi, Sora, Yamato, Mitsujiro, Mimi, Jo and Takeru. It was the File Island in the Otherworld Digital World. They encountered seven digital monsters (Digimon), mysterious creatures that were "waiting for Taichi and the others". They saved Taichi and his friends from being attacked by the ferocious Quagarmon, and in their infancy, Digimon evolved into a growth period. They fought off Quagarmon! In order to return to the real world, Taichi and his friends decide to travel with Digimon. Everywhere they go, there are dangers waiting for them. The battles with the Digimon that attack one after another. The mysteries of the digital world - the digital world and the real world, the two worlds. --The fate of the two worlds, the digital world and the real world, is at stake as the summer adventure of the chosen children and their digimon begins!

Contents: Digimon Adventure TV series (54 episodes). Digimon Adventure 02 TV series (50 episodes). DIGIMON ADVENTURE THE MOVIE. DIGIMON ADVENTURE THE MOVIE Our War Game! DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 Part 1: Digimon Hurricane Returns! /Part 2: Hyper-evolution! DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 - Digimon Adventure 02 - Diabolo Mon strikes back].

Newly illustrated slip case box. New picture label. Special booklet (*Re-edited version of booklet included for previously released "DIGIMON ADVENTURE 15th Anniversary Blu-ray BOX" and "Digimon Adventure 02 15th Anniversary Blu-ray Box".)