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CD Album First Press Sold Out



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Release Date May 09, 2007
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First Press / External Bonus

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Product Details

Catalog No.AICL-1888
JAN/ISBN 4547403006865
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorSony Music Distribution
Running Time 13minutes


[Machine Translation] Oleska Band's third single! Since their debut in the summer of 2006, Oreska has been releasing a number of unique singles, including "Pinocchio" and "Hana no Ska Dance," a representative song from the band's early days, "Almond," a slow number with a peace sign, "Forgetting," which has an alternative rock feel, and "Chuck," an English song that climaxes the live show. Oleska's new album is the culmination of the band's past work, and it is a work that will make you anticipate the next development of the Oleska band. Without losing their taste as a horn section band, Oleska's "omnivorousness," which can be seen in all sounds from different perspectives, such as ska, funk, and rock, has been successfully integrated into a single work. The song will be the ending theme for the TV Tokyo anime "BLEACH". Includes a wide cap sticker drawn by BLEACH.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

爪先 / オレスカバンド

オレスカバンドの3枚目となるシングル! 2006年夏のデビュー以来、バンド結成初期代表曲「ピノキオ」「花のスカダンス」、ピース・サインを華々しく掲げたスローナンバー「アーモンド」、オルタナティブ・ロックテイストが全面に押し出された「忘れもの」、ライブのクライマックスを飾る英語詞曲「チャック」と"スカ"というジャンルをすっかり飲み込み、次々と圧倒的な独自の世界観を見せてきたオレスカの今作は、そんな今までの作品性を一気に集約した、まさに次のオレスカバンドの展開を期待させる作品に仕上がった。ホーンセクションバンドとしてのテイストを崩さずに、スカ&ファンク&ロックと視点を変えれば全てのサウンドが見えてくるオレスカの"雑食性"が見事に一つにまとまった作品。テレビ東京系アニメ「BLEACH」エンディングテーマに決定! BLEACH描き下ろしワイドキャップステッカー付き。

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