What's CDJapan Official Sticker?

For a limited period of time during February 2020, we sent our first official stickers to customers with a first-come first-served basis. Although this offer is over, we are going to have some similar offers in the near future. So stay tuned.


Customer Voices to CDJapan's First Official Sticker
Road to Make CDJ's First Official Sticker (YouTube Videos)
Tell Us What You Want Know About CDJapan

Customer Voices to CDJapan's First Official Sticker

*We are happy to feature your posts with pictures of CDJ Official Sticker, and if your post had not been featured, just tell us!
*Although these posts are mentioned to us (@CDJapan) and we took them as a permission to use, please ask us anytime if you not meant to be featured then we will delete it immediately.

Road to Make CDJ's First Official Sticker (YouTube Videos)

Tell Us What You Want Know About CDJapan

Thank you very much for using CDJapan as your regular shopping store.
If you have a specific thing to know about us, let us hear your voice through a questionnaire from the form below.
We then get back with articles based on your ideas.

What are you interested in about CDJapan? (Google Form)

*This is a part of "Inside CDJapan" project. If you haven't read this series yet, it would be great if you watch "Inside CDJapan" YouTube video series.

*On the banner shown, we featured a picture from one of our customer (and a great learner of Japanese), Anna. Thank you very much Anna for letting us to use your picture!