[Machine Translation] What would robots that look like humans look like if they came to live with us on a daily basis? The Cross Wear Open Back Sweater is part of Diverdy Production's Polynian Cloth Clothes and Cloth Wear Series, based on the theme of a future world where Polynians, robot life forms that have flown in from outer space, live together. Polynian just right size, cloth open-back sweater / Clothwear for Polynians, crosswear series appeared! This is a special costume for those who feel a bit lonely in their nude state and want to decorate their bodies more. The sweater has a warm, fuzzy feel and a bold back opening, creating an imbalance of sexy cuteness. Compatible with all Polynian dolls (FMM, FLL, MMM sizes). Compatible with all Polinian, FMM, FLL, and MMM sizes, and can also be used on 1/12 size dolls (please compare with Polinian body to determine the fit).