[Machine Translation] Can you reform the boss of a diabolical criminal organization? The "Phantom Thieves of the Heart" steal "otakara" from the "Palace," an alternate world where distorted perceptions are embodied, and convert the wicked. Dawn and her friends target Junya Kinjo, the boss of a crime syndicate based in Shibuya that deceives young people. They break through the Kaneshiro Palace, which has various security measures and traps, but Kaneshiro has a secret trick up his sleeve...! (Recommended by the editor) A complete comic book adaptation of the popular game "Persona 5"! The story goes deeper with the inclusion of a royal element! On the cover of volume 6, there is a beautiful illustration of Akechi, a detective investigating a group of phantom thieves, at tea time! Please take this opportunity to dive into the world of "Persona"!