[Machine Translation] GAMES' "Bungo to Alchemist," a simulation game about the reincarnation of great writers, is now available from DMM.GAMES. The book includes information on the characters in the game, as well as memorial halls and museums related to the great writers, stores and hot springs that they loved, and more. The book also includes related spots of new characters such as Futabatei Shimei, Kume Masao, and Yumeno Kyusaku, and the "Bungo Osanpo Course," a strolling tour of the area, is also useful as a travel guide to seek out the faces of the great writers. In addition, an interview with Soma Saito, who plays the role of Rampo Edogawa, is included. With this book in hand, you will surely deepen your love for the characters of "Bunnaru" by visiting spots associated with the great writers. Areas covered: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Tokyo, Tokai, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu *This book also includes a serial code as an enclosed bonus.