[Machine Translation] Hollywood star Nicolas Cage, celebrating 30 years since his debut, is eager to appear in this film! An innocent man confronts an invisible enemy in this suspense action film! -- A man falls into the trap of "murder by proxy" and arrives at the shocking truth. Will ( Nicolas Cage ), a high school teacher in New Orleans, lives a happy life with his musician wife Laura ( Januarie Jones ). One night, on his way home, Laura is assaulted. Will is in the hospital and is very upset when a mysterious man, Simon (Guy Pearce), approaches him and quietly whispers, "I'm going to take care of him, or I'm going to kill him. I'll take care of him for you, won't I? It was a proposal of "murder by proxy" done in the name of justice. Will accepts the offer out of grief and anger, but six months later, he is forced to kill someone else instead.