[Machine Translation] [Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment present the ultimate magical fantasy adventure! Starring Jack Black & Cate Blanchett and more! Eli Roth, who has a strong fan base among horror fans with "Hostel" and "The Green Inferno," joins the ranks of major directors with this film. --The protagonist is a 10-year-old boy named Lewis, who lost his parents in an accident. After the accidental death of his parents, he is taken in by his uncle, Jonathan. When he meets his uncle for the first time, he seems kind but a little strange. In the old mansion where he lives alone, for some reason there are many clocks and watches, and a suspicious mood is in the air. And Mrs. Zimmerman, who lives next door, is also somewhat strange. They are both wizards! And Jonathan is a clumsy wizard. Mrs. Zimmerman is a first-rate witch! Lewis and the two wizards open the door to an unbelievable world over the magic clock hidden in Jonathan's mansion!