[Machine Translation] The sequel to "WESTMANIA Vol.1," the "Wesaikei CD+DVD Magazine," is finally here. This magazine-style issue features DJ GO, the leader of the RYEREKO Gundan, who now has a passionate fan base. Also included is a special conversation between TWO-J and HYENA. The WESTMANIA NIGHT corner includes 25 live videos and DJ performances, and is packed with comments that convey the fun of the scene. DJ GO Special" ...Close coverage of DJ GO's lifestyle. Club play, recording, and his car are introduced. Special Talk with TWO-J x HYENA" ... TWO-J, who acts as a navigator, talks about HYENA's new album and her private life. WESTMANIA NIGHT" ... 27 live videos and DJ performances, plus a lot of interesting comments, will show you the fun of clubbing. ( LIVE ) DJ GO, Mr.OZ, EL LATINO, G.CUE, J-GREN, SSG, RIDE RECO SOLDIER, Mr.LOW-D, DESTINO, MoNa, CRAY-G, S567, EXTRIDE, YZ, PLATINUM, KJI, enmaku ( DJ ) GO, MOTO, COUZ, DOPEMAN , T!GHT, NAO, TAKA, SHOW C, G-SHOT ( Related products ) / WESTMANIA Vol.1 -Rumored WESTAY CD+DVD Magazine -WESTMANIA TOUR 2008 DVD / WESTMANIA TOUR 2007 WESTMANIA TOUR 2007 DVD