[Machine Translation] The group, which started its activities mainly in Tokyo on October 13, 2016, has been creating places where many people can have a good time with its catchphrase, "Let's laugh for now! ), they continue to create a place where many people can smile and have fun. The catchphrase of the group is "Let's laugh for the time being! Tokyo ), a male performance group that is a little bit punky but has a handsome face and heart. The title track ( Yeah!!!! ) is a song that is sure to be popular at their live performances. It is a simple, straight, powerful, nostalgic, catchy, and heartwarming cheer song that makes everyone want to sing along. As the name of the song suggests, it is a pop song that everyone can enjoy while singing along ( Yeah!!! ). ) as the song title suggests. All songs are sound produced by Hideyuki Suzuki Daichi. This is what honeycomb Tokyo is all about. This is the royal road POP song of "This is Honeycomb Tokyo. All songs are arranged by sound producer Hideyuki Suzuki, lyrics by Hirokazu Nita (CLipCLover) for M1 and M3 and Tsubasa Mori for M2, and composed by Hirokazu Nita (CLipCLover) for M1 and M3 and Hideyuki Suzuki for M2. <profile> A performance group that has been performing mainly in Tokyo since October 13, 2016. (Their catchphrase is "Let's laugh for now! ), everyone who comes to their performances is honeycomb, the members on stage are honeycomb, and Honey Come! ( Girls, come! ("Girls, come here! (Girls, come here!!!!), the group continues to show the growth of the group as they struggle and improve themselves in a friendly competition. The group has been performing three one-man shows a year since its inception to packed houses. Haruki Matsui, a member of the group, is currently performing in a musical ( Prince of Tennis 3rd Season ).