[Machine Translation] Unbreakable for all mankind. Mad scientist group bilo'u "again" produces the forbidden 2nd album! Your sensitivity will be tested before you doubt your ears! Focus on the moment when Japan's best crazy music exceeds the speed of sound and logic! The mad scientist group "bb" is a group of mad scientists. It's no longer hardcore, metal, progressive rock, or mass rock, it's an insane challenge that defies all genre names and categorizations. It is no longer hardcore, metal, progressive rock, or mass rock. The first album "Harmonic Scale x Aberrant Beat / Heavy Bass = bilo'u" has already been established and the number of followers is still growing, but they have done their best to betray this scheme! It's rather graceful! That was my first impression. Let's be clear. There is no bilo'u in "there" anymore. If you compare this second album with the previous one, the soundscape of the parallel world and the other dimension will make anyone's tongue wag. Tricky, difficult, and stupidly technical, it is of course an extension (or even more so!) of the first album, but above all else, it is a very good album. ), but the most obvious thing is that bilo'u, "Object X," even the work itself, seems to breathe spontaneously. This proves that bilo'u has arrived at a point where conventional expressions such as "maturity" and "evolution" cannot possibly catch up with them. Core listeners will think, "I am happy to have witnessed such an era! I am happy to have witnessed such an era! In addition, the exquisitely placed sound effects between songs and sampling sounds that arouse the listener's fantasies will fuel the listener's anticipation. I grinned, thinking that intellectuals and geeks would get their fill of this sense of style. The voice of a hundred faces finally captures the heart of the groove, and how many roles does one person play in the song, screaming out their feelings and emotions? I was worried that he might have gone insane when I listened to the song with the lyrics card in my hand, which was so philosophical that it left a bad taste in my mouth. The wacky twin-guitar performance is not only more awesome, but also makes you want to say, "Is that even possible? It goes without saying that the content far exceeds the expectations of kids, but above all, we can't help but sigh with admiration at the imagination and inquisitiveness of the musicians. The "high technology for show" is a good thing.